Project Management Leadership: Organizational Dynamics

In this training course you can take your project management leadership to the next level with a focus on the strategic variables.

AMS Course Code: 1101

Course Description

Project Management Leadership: Organizational Dynamics addresses the intricacies of organizational culture, cross-functional workflow, and distributed team management, while also providing a foundation in PM technology and methodology. Participants will learn to navigate these elements through modules on leadership versus management, problem-solving, and conflict resolution, ultimately fostering the development of high-performing teams. Ideal for project managers seeking to lead effectively in dynamic environments.

Visit the AMS Client-Centric Engagement Model below, to learn about other customization options or Contact Us to discuss your unique needs. Our modulated content inventory coupled with our proprietary 4x4 design model affords our clients a wide range of scalable options. Visit out Full Course Catalog to explore related topics.

Delivery Options

This program is delivered on-site in two full days or virtually in four 3.5-hour sessions.

Course Modules

Organization and PM Culture

  • Stakeholder Alignment: Understanding how organizational structures impact stakeholder engagement and project success

  • Cultural Influence: Exploring how organizational culture shapes project management practices and team dynamics

  • Strategic Alignment: Ensuring project goals align with the broader organizational strategy

  • Leadership Impact: Recognizing how PM culture influences leadership behavior and decision-making

Leadership vs Management

  • Vision and Direction: Leaders set a compelling vision for projects, inspiring teams toward a common goal

  • Motivation and Influence: Effective leaders motivate team members, fostering commitment and engagement

  • Strategic Thinking: Leaders think long-term, aligning projects with organizational strategy

  • Empowerment: Empowering team members to take ownership and make decisions

Cross-functional Workflow

  • Collaboration Strategies: Navigating cross-departmental collaboration challenges

  • Workflow Optimization: Identifying opportunities to streamline processes across functions

  • Effective Communication: Developing communication strategies for seamless cross-functional teamwork

  • Dependency Management: Managing dependencies and integration points between different departments

Problem Solving for the Complex Project

  • Root Cause Analysis: Techniques for identifying underlying issues causing project complexities

  • Systems Thinking: Viewing projects holistically to address interconnected challenges

  • Decision-Making Under Uncertainty: Strategies for making informed choices despite ambiguity

  • Risk Mitigation: Approaches to manage risks associated with complex project scenarios

Distributed Team Management

  • Remote Leadership Best Practices: Leading remote teams effectively

  • Technology Tools: Leveraging tools and technologies for managing distributed teams

  • Cohesion Across Distances: Fostering team cohesion despite geographical separation

  • Cultural Sensitivity: Overcoming challenges related to time zones and cultural differences

Conflict Resolution within the Project Lifecycle

  • Understanding Conflict Types: Recognizing interpersonal, task-related, and process conflicts

  • Negotiation Skills: Techniques for resolving disagreements and finding win-win solutions

  • Mediation and Facilitation: Facilitating open dialogue and finding common ground

  • Team Building: Strengthening relationships to prevent and manage conflicts

PM Technology & Methodology Baseline

  • Software Utilization: Maximizing the use of PM software and tools for project tracking and reporting

  • Methodology Adaptation: Balancing traditional and agile approaches based on project needs

  • Continuous Improvement: Establishing a baseline for ongoing process enhancements

  • Customization: Tailoring methodologies to fit specific project and organizational contexts

Leadership & High Performing Teams

  • Team Dynamics: Understanding team stages (forming, storming, norming, performing)

  • Motivating Teams: Strategies for boosting team morale and productivity

  • Coaching and Mentoring: Developing team members’ skills and potential

  • Recognition and Rewards: Acknowledging achievements to foster high performance

Who Should Attend

This course provides a comprehensive understanding of effective project leadership, equipping participants to navigate complex challenges, foster high-performing teams, and drive successful project delivery. Project Managers who are responsible for leading teams, contributors, and/or self-lead within a larger group, will benefit from the skills provided within this course.

Client-Centric Engagement Model

Professional Development Training

Each learning module in our course descriptions represent 90 minutes of instruction. Your selection of learning modules and sub-topics, preferred delivery modality, and custom design elements (as noted below), will determine the course duration and ultimate “best solution” to meet your unique learning needs. Our proprietary and innovative “4x4” design model, expert level facilitators, and modulated content library is the gateway to high-impact and agile learning experiences that result in immediate skills application.

AMS Professional Development Training Model for Engagement

For the Team

  • Teams of eight or more participants, delivered On-Site or Live Online with the option to customize your learning experience.

For the Individual

Customize your Learning Experience

  • Customize with instructional design options including scenarios, thought leader questions, and exercises
  • Select delivery modality and manage course durations based on content selection
  • Mix and match learning modules & sub-topics to create the most highly customized learning experience
  • Create learning tracks by linking courses & learning modules with connective application exercises over a predetermined timeline
  • Support content with correlating Research Articles
  • Enhance skills application with Performance Coaching
  • Earn select industry and academic accreditations
  • Organizational Learning & Development (L&D) Framework Best Practice
  • Integrate Digital Resources – Thought Leader Interviews  Insights Podcast

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