New Product Development and Innovation Framework

This consulting solution will provide a systematic approach to product development and innovation through a stage-gated process.

AMS Solution Code: 801

Solution Description

The New Product Development and Innovation Framework will help the product manager and team in systematically understanding the customer’s requirements, needs & wants, as well as their current competitive position.  It leverages a logical and stage-gated process for product design, manufacturing, and management, combined with agile project management tools, mechanisms and deliverables. The AMS team will be your guide on this transformative journey.

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New Product Development Methodology Considerations for Businesses

The NPD Methodology utilizes a five-step control-gate approach to defining product management deliverables and is customizable to each individual project effort.  The stage-gated and customizable approach delineates and defines the distinct discovery, definition, design, build, and validation stages of the project.  This staged approach is further augmented with distinct control gate processes at the end of each of the first five product development stages.  The Control Gate process ensures that the proper due diligence has been exercised at each individual stage, and that adequate product, design and definition has been reached prior to release to the next development stage.  This approach is scalable and applicable across all projects, product, and industry types.

New Product Development (NPD) Methodology is Mission-Critical for Businesses Aiming to stay Competitive

  • Continuous Innovation and Market Relevance

    • NPD ensures that organizations keep pace with changing customer needs and market trends. By consistently introducing new products, businesses remain relevant and avoid becoming obsolete.
    • Competitive markets demand innovation. Organizations that fail to adapt risk losing market share to more agile competitors.
  • Agility and Adaptability

    • NPD methodologies, especially those rooted in Agile principles, emphasize flexibility and responsiveness. They allow organizations to quickly adjust to market shifts, technological advancements, and customer preferences.
    • In rapidly evolving industries (such as tech, fashion, or consumer electronics), agility is a survival trait. NPD ensures that businesses can pivot swiftly when needed.
  • Customer-Centric Approach

    • NPD methodologies prioritize understanding customer pain points, desires, and unmet needs. By involving customers early in the process (e.g., through MVP testing), organizations create products that resonate.
    • Customer loyalty is built on meeting expectations. NPD ensures that businesses consistently deliver value to their target audience.
  • Risk Mitigation and Cost Efficiency

    • NPD methodologies encourage systematic planning, prototyping, and testing. This reduces the risk of investing heavily in a product that ultimately fails in the market.
    • By identifying flaws early, businesses avoid costly mistakes. NPD minimizes financial risks associated with product launches.
  • Competitive Edge and Differentiation

    • New products can set a business apart from competitors. Whether it’s a groundbreaking feature, superior quality, or unique design, NPD allows organizations to differentiate themselves.
    • A well-executed NPD strategy positions a business as an industry leader, attracting customers who seek innovation and excellence.
  • Long-Term Viability and Growth

    • Organizations that rely solely on existing products risk stagnation. NPD ensures a pipeline of fresh offerings, sustaining long-term growth.
    • Businesses that consistently introduce successful new products expand their market reach and revenue streams.

Why Brainstorming, Idea Generation, and Consensus Building Are Important for Collaboration

Brainstorming, Idea Generation, and Consensus Building is a critical aspect of a productive, collaborative, and diverse culture. Organizations are seeking to imbed the processes needed to not only capture these behavioral traits but make them second nature to all team environments. Small team sessions are best suited for this robust exercise and will produce powerful and repeatable practices upon initiating “learned” habits.

The behaviors for Brainstorming, Idea Generation, and Consensus Building probably already exist within your corporate culture. The challenge is drawing them to the surface and then translating them into optimized action. The following will be used to capture this process:

  • Our experts will work with your teams to structure best practices that are scalable, repeatable, and diverse.
  • Your teams will customize the best practices to fit them for purpose within their project portfolio.
  • We will dynamically test models via collaborative exercises to establish repeatable norms within each team.

The above actions will result in creating the foundation for Brainstorming, Idea Generation, and Consensus Building. This methodical approach to collaboration will build upon existing cultural norms and provide a best practice for contributing teams to leverage at each meeting. The approach will work within an agile environment and can benefit project managers, product owners, solutions teams, and problem solvers. Once our team “installs” these norms, it is expected that your teams will be able to continue building upon the skills needed to become internal experts.

Why a New Product Development Methodology Is an Important Foundation

The use of a deliverable-driven methodology along with sound product and project management judgment makes for a positive and accountable combination.  The best practice/methodology described here will compliment any Agile Project Management effort and can be leveraged as advisory or training solutions within a scaled enterprise environment.

The approach has been successfully used in varied industries around the world to meet "time to market" goals.  By blending an understanding of project management, organization development, Agile/agile, and cross-industry NPD allows us to craft solutions that are real-world and effective.


NPD methodology isn’t just about creating products; it’s about securing a competitive foothold. By embracing NPD, businesses remain agile, customer-focused, and poised for sustained success.

Organizational Development Consulting

Client-Centric Engagement Model

Each solution found in our catalog can be scaled to meet your organization's needs. Consulting engagements are built on a collaborative three-step process of Assess, Review, and Execute stage gates. This model provides a high value and collaborative approach that allows organizations to measure ROI, performance, and continuous improvement throughout the entire engagement. Our executive level team of consultants will provide actionable and practical recommendations that can be implemented via our collaborative approach to the partnership.


AMS Organizational Development Consulting Model Detail

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  • Experience personalized service at scale. AMS has a global reach with the highest degree of expertise across a range of Fortune 500 companies, Government agencies and Global 2000 organizations.

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  • Experience the entrepreneurial spirt that our firm is founded on with a unique blend of expertise to accommodate the unique needs of smaller organizations.

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